R -TgripleKlicks

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Rower of Rewards

Power of Rewards

I pay off my RTs every month - mostly in cash commissions that I can apply to my TripleClicks purchases, but also VP and TCredits. So I had to do a little research to find out this information starting in February 2018 when I exchanged my first RTs for cash commissions.

So far I have received 655 138 RT, but only 1615 are left in my ledger. Wow! I am very pleased with the total number of RTs I received. And, of course, with the fact that I managed to make them. And I urge my team to do the same. How great it is when you can pay for TripleClicks purchases with Rewardical Tokens - a free reward for your efforts at SFI.

Here's what I want all SFI affiliates to know: The amount of RT you will receive each month will grow as you work in your SFI business. Here is an example: -

In the first two months I averaged 6,100 RT per month, next year - 15,880 per month, next year - 22,343, and this year - 22,828 per month.

Likewise, the amount of commission I was able to repay with my RTs has grown from $ 2.08 a month in the first year to $ 7.14 a month in the second year, and this year it averages $ 30.25. Of course, everyone is different, but all my employees have stories to tell, and some are doing better than me.

Please note that I am not talking about direct commissions or commissions earned on my shares in the Executive Pool. This is real money redeemed from Reward Tokens that I received as a free reward for my work at SFI. This is a bonus.

What does it mean? This means that this year I was only able to get my EA rating every month thanks to my RT. How? Buying 100 TCredits at an AD price of $ 29.00, which equates to 1200 VP in sales.

SFIers, don't hoard your RTs (if you can't afford it). Redeem them. Make them work for you. Use them to reinvest in your SFI business.

And don't give up just because you only see a few RTs. Work. They will grow. They do not expire. The trend is important. You will be successful if you keep working and showing your friends and team what you are doing.

This is the power of rewards.

Gilbert M. New Zealand

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